Sunday, January 31, 2010

Community Involvement

My wife and I went to Church today. We try and go every Sunday while we are down in South Carolina for the winter. The theme of this Blog is not Religion. I think getting involved in your Community is a good thing. Church is only one avenue to do so. Some of the positive aspects of community involvement are the new people you meet, the insight you gain, and the feeling you get by helping others.
People are about the same wherever you go. Our Cultures may differ, but we are all basically the same. I think mingling with others rounds a person out. You get a chance to hear different points of view which gives you new insights.
Meeting others, exchanging ideas, and helping each other make you a better person. Prejudices disappear, wisdom and experience increase. No matter how I look at it, it is a win, win situation. Until next time.
