Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nothing Will Change

Our Government has an agenda, and it is bigger than the President is. We no longer have a government by the people for the people. Unfortunately, the people that truly run the world will continue to do exactly what they have to, to establish a New World Order. The government does not need our help. Our leaders do exist without our help and will exist if we are here or not. The government wants us to believe we need them to show us the way.
If getting us involved in two needless wars and putting us trillions of dollars in debt is guiding us, then no thank you I will guide myself. If throwing billions of dollars at banks and automobile companies that mismanage themselves is the best they can do, no thank you I will guide myself.
If putting people in positions of power that accepts bribes and gifts from foreign countries, no thank you I will guide myself. If putting people in positions of power that do not pay their taxes, hire illegal aliens, cheat, lie, and steal, then no thank you I will guide myself.
I for one am not going to stand by and say hoorah, hoorah, hoorah, for the continuing corrupt government that runs this country. I am not going to turn my eyes away and pretend everything is all right when it is not.
It is not the hard working American Man or Woman that has caused the recession. It is the way our leaders and big business have handled the affairs of this country. Do not forget it is every man, woman and child in this country that is and will pay for their folly. Look for guidance from our leaders bite my tongue. Until next time.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

lots of good points, Dad.