Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I hate meetings and for a good reason, they are a waste of time. Someone runs the meeting, talking about a subject no one cares about, that everyone has to attend. Everyone means you and I. Usually at the end of the meeting the speaker asks if there are any questions. Of course, the same people ask questions every time. I wonder why the same people always ask the questions.
I have attended hundreds of meeting in my life. I have studied various management techniques. I have probably worked for people that have used most of the techniques that I have studied. I can honestly say that most of the meetings I have been involved in have been counter-productive.
I feel that if a meeting is more than fifteen minutes long it is a waste of time. If the objective is to drain the swamp then lets talk about ways to drain the swamp. If at the end of the allotted time, we have not found a solution then lets adjourn and meet again. We can always brainstorm on our own and send our ideas forward to the boss. Eventually we will figure out how to drain the swamp.
I do not relish the idea of spending an hour or two with people I do not really like. We have very little in common and I do not agree with what they are saying in the first place. Most of them would not be invited to the meeting, if it were my choice. Do not even think you are hurting my feelings by not inviting me. Make my day PLEASE.
The best meetings I ever attended were while I was in the Military. I worked for a Major in a combat unit. When he called a meeting, we met in a room with one long table and one chair. The Major sat in the chair and we stood around the table. The Major started on his left and went around the table. We all had our say and everything was resolved in a five-minute timetable. If you told the Major you would take care of something, you had better follow through. If you needed further assistance, you just let the Major know. He did not waste his time or ours on petty details that meant nothing.
Are there any questions? Until next time.


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