Tuesday, February 2, 2010


When making Oatmeal, you need to pay attention to detail. I learned this the hard way. My wife makes it using the clock; it has to cook just so long and no longer. Sometimes I put too little Oatmeal in the pan and sometimes too much water. I never use the clock to time its cooking.
Never the less it normally turns out so that it is eatable. I make it a little bit dryer than my wife does. She likes the Oatmeal to run out of the pan in to the bowl and I like to help it with a spoon. Not any spoon mind you, it has to be the spoon in which I am going to eat.
I do not like the way she cooks it, but am smart enough to keep my mouth shut. I know she knows I do not know what I am doing but she is patient and leaves me to my chore.
Special mornings are when Miss Emily spends the night and in the morning, we eat Oatmeal together. Her Brother Nathan is a Pancake type of person. On these special mornings, Grandma (Meema) cooks breakfast. She makes Pancakes for Nathan, one-half helping of Oatmeal for Emily, and Papa gets a full helping.
Lately the conversation goes something like this; Emily” My Mom always puts the milk in before the Brown sugar. I tell her to put the sugar on first but she does not listen.” Papa” Oh is that right”. Emily” Mom says it does not matter”.
I normally put the Sugar on first and mix it in real good. Evidently, Emily’s mother has not time for this step. On special mornings I hear; “is that mixed good enough Papa“? Of course it always is. Then we add the milk and mix it all together. Most of the time I hear; I am full Papa can I be excused? I normally end up eating all of my Oatmeal and at least three spoonfuls of Emily’s. Of course, Emily is sitting on Papa’s knee.
Until next time.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

I just want to set the record straight, Daddy. I always mix the sugar in the oatmeal (or cocoa wheats) before I add the milk. And it has to be mixed well. :)

Love ya!