Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keep Up The Fight

I have had some successes in my life; I have had failures also. I have always worked hard trying to make a living. Circumstances have never quite clicked to help me really achieve financial independence. Some people get lucky, others are helped a long the way by friends or family. For most of us though, we have to hammer out a living the best way we know how. We work for others, in Factories, Construction companies, Retail stores and a thousand other dead end jobs. Today is no different than it has always been, the Economy has its difficulties, this just happens to be its downward cycle. In times like this, we Americans are at our best. We help each other the best we can while we struggle ourselves. When the cards are down us Americans step up to the plate and take action. In time like these, we are at our best because we come up with new ideas to make money. This not only helps our families, it helps all of us through new inventions and breakthroughs that benefit humankind. Do not fear failure, it only makes you stronger. It makes you smarter also, it gives you the knowledge to go forward and succeed. Therefore, my friends keep up the fight. Until next time. Norm.

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